Store Commands

We define signals in todoStore to allow the mutation of the state stored in the Store.
This mutation occured through commands

A command allow a function to be executed when a signal is dispatch.

see Command in documentation for more details.

Command can be writen in the same file as the store or externalize. We will do both.


let's add the add command.

import { Store } from 'sinux';

const todoStore = new Store({todos:[]},

todoStore.add.add((state, todo) => {...state, todos : [...state.todos, {text: todo, completed: false}] });

export default todoStore;


Let's create the load command in a separate file.

import todoStore from './todoStore';

todoStore.load.add((state) => {
  var dummyData = {
    todos: [
      { text: "Learn how to use Sinux", completed: false }
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(()=> resolve({...state, todos : [...state.todos, ...dummyData.todos]}), 1000)

This command is asynchronous.

This is correct, but be sure to require this file to register the command. An index.js file in store folder will work.


import todoStore from './todoStore';
import todoLoad from './todoLoad';

export {

then change the import in the container (containers/TodoApp.js)

import { todoStore } from '../stores';

stores/todoStore.js (final)

import { Store } from 'sinux';

const todoStore = new Store({todos:[]},

// commands
todoStore.add.add((state, todo) => {
  return {...state, todos : [...state.todos, {text: todo, completed: false}]}
todoStore.remove.add((state, id) => {
  return {...state, todos : [...state.todos.slice(0, id), ...state.todos.slice(id + 1)]}
todoStore.update.add((state, id, todo) => {
  return {...state, todos : [...state.todos.slice(0, id), {...todo}, ...state.todos.slice(id + 1)]}
todoStore.complete.add((state, id) => {
  let todo = {...state.todos[id]}
  todo.completed = true;
  return {...state, todos : [...state.todos.slice(0, id), {...todo}, ...state.todos.slice(id + 1)]}

export default todoStore;

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